
时间:2022-09-07 15:45:04 来源:网友投稿

开业典礼致辞语英文3篇开业典礼致辞语英文 公司开业典礼致辞 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位玻璃界的同行们、朋友们,亲爱的女士们、先生们: 上午好! 今天是新xxxxxxxx公司下面是小编为大家整理的开业典礼致辞语英文3篇,供大家参考。






 今天是新 xxxxxxxx 公司的开业典礼,也是新 xxxxxx 公司开业庆典 x周年纪念,我谨代表我们全家和新 xxxx 全体员工向今天莅临现场的各位领导、各位来宾表示衷心的感谢和热烈的欢迎。

 公司开业之际,正逢金融危机席卷全球,玻璃行业深受冲击,市场需求急剧下降,企业经营面临严重挑战。面对此情此景,我们没有退缩,更无胆怯,而是选择了面对现实,迎难而上。中国三十年的改革经验告诉我们:发展是硬道理。所以新 xxxx 人在深思熟虑之下,毅然决然地投资了两亿元人民币,在元洪工业园区征地一百三十亩,建造低辐射 low-e 节能玻璃生产线。新 xxxx 人不仅想在玻璃深加工行业做得更好,更想在矿业、房地产等方面有所拓展,我们将新 xxxx 的梦想打造成为具有一定实力的综合性大型企业。

 我们与玻璃结缘始于前一个世纪 xx 年代,直到今天已有 xx 年的历史了。我们从不足15m2 的小作坊,到现在拥有世界一流的生产设备和设施齐全的现代化厂房。产品在国内占有一席之地,在世界众多地区也能看到新 xxxx 制造的产品,这些成果和在座各位朋友的支持是分不开的。




 任。碰到困难时,有你们真情的关爱与支持,让我更有信心去面对。而兄弟之间的团结更燃烧着新 xxxx 整个团队的能量,任何有团队精神的企业,都是不可摧毁的。


 我更要感谢新 xxxx 的管理团队以及新 xxxx 所有的同仁,与你们一起共事是我人生最大的幸运,因为有你们作为坚强的后盾,我们新 xxxx 即使有再大的困难也可怕,再难的问题也会迎刃而解。

 在这里,我还要感谢所有的设备制造厂商和材料供应商,因为有你们优质的产品、完善的服务、正当的价格,我们新 xxxx 的产品才有更好的保障,让我们的客户更加受益,所以我认为做企业的人要懂得善供应商。

 最后,我要感谢帮助过新 xxxx 的各位领导,各界朋友,你们在新 xxxx成长过程中一直给予默默无闻的支持与帮助,给予关心与关爱,才让新xxxx 一路走来感到不孤单,不寂寞,让新 xxxx 这一棵弱不禁风的小苗茁壮成长。


 新 xxxx 微不足道的一点成功,绝不是一个人的成功,也不是一个团队的成功,而是在国家正确的政策引导下,在各级政府的关心下,在整个社会资源的综合利用下,新 xxxx 在兄弟姐妹一家人共同努力下,在家人的温馨呵护下,在同行朋友的激励下,在合作伙伴的协助下,在全体员工的奋斗下,在客户朋友的信赖下,在银行界朋友的支持下,在工商、税务、交警同志的理解下,在媒体朋友的宣传下,新 xxxx 才有今天的成果。




 你们好! 今天是xxxxxxxx船舶服务有限公司的开业庆典,首先我代表xxxxxxxx船舶服务有限公司向各位领导和各位朋友的光临表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!感谢你们温暖的关注、长久的支持和饱含希望的期待! xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司是经工商局注册登记、批准成立的,它是为适应快速发展的需要而成立的。xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司自成立以来屡获殊荣:xxxx5 年被 xxxx 省人事劳动和社会保障厅评为“放心职介服务单位”,入寻全国放心职业介绍机构”,并在“中国劳动力市场网”、“中国劳动就业网”、“xxxx 农民报网”予以公布,同时被《中国劳动保障报》作为“全国劳动保障部门推荐的放心职业介绍机构”予以公布,xxxx6 年被xxxx 市工商局评为“狮城百姓满意的知名商标品牌优胜单位”和“文明诚信经营先进单位”,并成为《中国商界》的理事单位,其先进的经营理念,被 xxxx 电视台、xxxx 电视台、xxxx 日报、xxxx 晚报等新闻媒体多次宣传报道。几年来,xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司与世界多家航运公司进行了广泛的合作交流,形成了“本地招收——国家海事院校培养——上船工作——归来后提供服务”的一条龙的就业模式,为广大民众子弟提供了大量的就业机会,为 xxxx 运输事业造就了一批高素质的海员人才,为缓解政府的就业压力、把公司打造成国际船员基地做出了自己应有的贡献!今后,我们将一如既往,继续发扬 xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司的光荣传统,诚信守法,以一流的管理、一流的服务、一流的品牌、一流的信誉服务于民。

 朋友们,从今天起,xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司这艘满载各级领导与社会各界希望,满载广大客户的厚爱与期待,同时也满载了 xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司全体员工理想和信念的航船将扬帆起航了。公司今后的生存与发展,离不开大家的帮助和扶持,希望在座的各位领导和各位朋友在以后的日子里更加关注我们,更加支持我们,你们的每一分支持都将激励我们更加努力地工作。在这里,我也郑重地承诺:我们将不负重望、不辱使

 命,以优质的服务回报社会,回报诸位的大力支持。我们将以专业的精神,敬业的态度,满怀信心,团结拼博,迎接所有的考验。我相信:不久的将来,xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司必将拥有更辉煌的历史,而我们就是这历史的见证。

 预祝 xxxxxxxx 船舶服务有限公司开业大吉、事业兴旺、繁荣昌盛、前程似锦!祝贺给予我们支持和帮助的各位领导、各位朋友和员工家属身体健康、工作顺利、家庭幸福、万事如意! 谢谢大家!


莞阳光分校开业庆典主持词 尊敬的各位领导, 各位来宾, 各位朋友们:

 Respected leaders,

  Distinguished guests,

  Ladies and gentleman,


 Good morning!

 开张呈喜无边春色融融乐, 举业有方不尽财源滚滚来! 今天是 2012 年 4 月 23 日,


 It is April 23,


 We are gathering here to witness the grand opening ceremony for Shutong English International Course Center Dongguan Yangguang Branch.

 我是今天的主持人 Jenny_Tan, (杨勇英文介绍)

 I’ m today’ s MC Jason Young.


 首先请允许我介绍在坐的领导和嘉宾, 他们是:

 With the great supports from the leaders and all the friends here,

 we are here to have today’ s grand opening ceremony.

 First of all,

 please allow me to introduce respected leaders and distinguished guests present at the ceremony.

 They are:


 树童英语国际课程中心 总负责人、 总经理:

 李小静 女士。

 General Manager Li Xiaojing 副总经理:

 潘奕英 女士 Vice General Manager Pan Yiying 副总经理:

 聂恒阳 先生 Vice General Manager Nie Hengyang 副总经理:

 张志远 先生 Vice General Manager Zhang Zhiyuan 副总经理:

 刘静娜 女士 Vice General Manager Liu Jingna 副总经理:

 陈欢 女士 Vice General Manager Chen Huan 副总经理:

 刑曼容 女士 Vice General Manager Xing Manrong 副总经理:


 女士 Vice General Manager Lili 副总经理:

 张秋艳 女士 Vice General Manager Zhang Qiuyan 副总经理:

 王亚娟 女士 Vice General Manager Wang Yajuan 副总经理:

 卢顺霞 女士 Vice General Manager Lu Shunxia 副总经理:

 严文 先生 Vice General Manager Yan Wen


 韦燕春 女士 Vice General Manager Wei Yanchun 副总经理:


 女士 Vice General Manager Pan Hong 研训部 Teaching Research Department


 朱容兰 女士 Teaching Supervisor

 Zhu Ronglan 教学督导:

 熊羡娇 女士 Teaching Supervisor

 Xiong Xianjiao 教学督导:

 张云 女士 Teaching Supervisor

 Zhang Yun 教学督导:

 梁箫 女士 Teaching Supervisor

 Liao Xiao 教学督导:

 曾嫦好 女士 Teaching Supervisor Zeng Changhao 课题部长:

 绳玉英 女士 Research Project Minister

 Sheng Yuying 财务经理:

 陈艳琳 女士 Finance Manager

  Chen Yanlin 后勤经理:

 陈丽君 女士


 [l?u" d?istiks] Logistics Manager

 Chen Lijun 行政经理:

 陈燕梅 女士 Administration Manager Chen Yanmei 设计总监:

 李昕 女士 Design Director

 Li Xin 后勤部长:

 卢崇志先生 Logistics Minister Lu Chongzhi 让我们用热烈的掌声对各位领导和嘉宾的到来表示诚挚的欢迎和衷心的感谢。

 Thanks for their coming to today’ s grand opening ceremony!


 Shutong English International Course Center is established

 on October 10th,


 Shutong English International Course Center,

 which has nurtured thousands of international English talents, has a history of 13 years with 14 branches

 over the Pearl River Delta Region.

 As a research-oriented English educational institution for students at the age of 4 to 18, Shutong introduces into China the latest English course system for international primary and middle school students, including the teaching ideas, course materials, training for teachers,


 The aim is to enable Mainland students to keep in pace with the rest of the world without having to go abroad.

 Dongguan Yangguang Brach is the 14th teaching center of Shutong English International Course Center.

 We will uphold the fine tradition of Shutong people, and nurture English talents who can keep in pace with the rest of the world in Nancheng District.

 在这美好的时刻, 映入我们眼帘的, 是喜悦与灿烂, 是阳光与丰收。

 在这个吉祥如意的日子里, 在这金色海洋的逐梦憧憬中, 让我们共同见证树童英语东莞阳光分校的绚丽揭幕。


 我宣布“树童英语国际课程中心东莞阳光分校开业庆典仪式” 正式开始!

 At this happy moment,

 our hearts are filled with joy and brilliance ,

 our eyes are full of sunshine and the harvest.

 On this well-going day,

 in the dreaming vision of the golden sea,

 let us witness the grand opening ceremony of Shutong English Dongguan Yangguang Branch. Now,

 It’ s my pleasure to announce the opening ceremony of Shutong English International Course Center Dongguan Yangguang Branch.



 领导、 嘉宾致辞 首先, 有请树童英语国际课程中心总经理:

 李小静 女士致辞。

 Item 1

 Speeches of leaders and distinguished guests.


 I would like to invite the general manager of .

 Shutong English International Course Center Ms.

 Li Xiaojing to deliver a welcome speech.


 下面, 有请树童英语国际课程中心副总经理:

 聂恒阳 先生致辞。

 Thanks for the excellent speech of the general manager Ms Li Xiaojing.


 the floor is given to Mr.

 Nie Hengyang,

 Vice General Manager Of Shutong English.

 Please welcome! 谢谢聂恒阳副总的致辞。

 接下来, 有请王亚娟副总经理给我们讲话。

 Thanks for the speech of Mr.

 Nie Hengyang.


 I wo(入场音乐 5))


 接下来, 我们有请两位东莞分校的家长代表给我们讲几句。


 Thanks for the good wishes of Ms Wang.


 I would like to invite two paerents of Shutong English Dongguan Branch to give us speeches.


 let’ s welcome Ms.

 Niu Yiru.

 (入场音乐 5)

 非常感谢牛艺茹女士对我们的祝福和信任, 谢谢。


 Many thanks for Ms.

 Niu’ s wishes and trust.

 Thank you.

 Now, let’ s welcome Ms.

 Zhu Li.

 (入场音乐 5)



 Thanks for the wishes of Ms.

 Zhu Li.

 And best wishes for all the leaders and distinguished guests.


 文艺表演 Item 2

 Performances 有请我们漂亮的老师们为我们的嘉宾献上热情的舞蹈《Girl friend》

 Next , let’ s welcome our beautiful teachers to perform a warm dance 《girlfriend》for all the guests.

 (girlfriend 音乐 6)

 非常感谢老师们热情快乐的舞蹈, 感谢你们!

 Thanks for their warm and happy dance.

 Thank you! 仪式第三项:


 Item 3

 Drink a toast (喜庆的音乐 7


 有请前排嘉宾到台前来, 和我们一起举杯共同祝贺东莞阳光分校开业大吉!


 谢谢大家的祝福, 请各位嘉宾挪步回到座位。

 Let’ s welcome the guests seated in the first row to come to the front and give a toast to Shutong English Dongguan Yangguang Branch with good fortune.


 Thanks for your wishes.

 Please be seated.


 剪彩仪式 Item 4

 The Ribbon-cutting Ceremony (剪彩音乐 8)


 副总经理潘奕英女士、 聂恒阳先生、 张志远先生、 刘静娜女士、 王亚娟女士、 刑曼容女士、 李莉女士、 严训督导熊羡娇、 女士课题部长绳玉英女士为我们阳光分校剪彩!


 please welcome Ms.

 Li Xiaojing, Ms.

 Pan Yiying,


 Nie Hengyang,


 Zhang Zhiyuan, Ms.

 Liujingna, Ms.

 Wang Yajuan, Ms.

 Xing Manrong, Ms. Li Li,


 Xiong Xianjiao, Ms.

 Sheng Yuying to come for the ribbon-cutting ceremony to open our Yangguang Branch.

 (剪彩音乐 8, 鸣炮 2 响)

 拍照留念, 谢谢各位领导, 请移步至座位。


 抽奖仪式 Now,

 everbody, please take photos for memory, thanks .

 Please be seated. (抽奖音乐9)


 有请牛艺茹女士和朱丽女士上场抽奖。(上抽奖箱, 读出祝福语, 每位嘉宾抽取 3 位。


 感谢我们的抽奖嘉宾, 祝贺我们中奖的嘉宾!


 please welcome two parents representatives to draw today’ s lucky prizes.

 (Take out the lottery box,

 Read out the wishesThanks to the luck-drawing guests.

 Congratulations to the lucky guests.

 (祝贺音乐 9)


 最后, 衷心祝愿 公司在今后的事业中一帆风顺, 二龙腾飞 三羊开泰 四季发财 五福临门 六六大顺 七星高照 八方进宝 九九同心 十全十美 百事亨通 千事吉祥 万事如意让我们再一次以热烈的掌声感谢各位领导、 各位嘉宾的光临!

 衷心祝愿各位领导、 各位来宾身体健康, 工作愉快, 万事顺意!


 公司开业庆典圆满礼成. (放礼花)


 (结束音乐 10)

 At last,

 best wishes for Shutong English.

 Let us applause warmly for the coming of all leaders and guests.

 Wish all leaders and guests good health and splendid career.

 The grand opening ceremony for Shutong English Dongguan Yangguang Branch is done!

  (Set off fireworks

 and take photos)

  Thank you all!

 请尊贵的嘉宾们挪步至二楼参观校区, 参加游园活动。

 Ladies and Gentlemen: You can have a visit on the second floor and join the

 garden fete.


                                           


典礼 2(Opening ceremony 2)

 Time of implementation: XXXX x x, 16:00 p.m. - 20:00 (tentative)

 Assist in implementation: XXX studio

 Specific implementation instructions

 The purpose of planning

 [two] background analysis

 [three] the orientation of the ceremony of opening ceremony

 The guiding ideology of [four]

 The business enterprises set up the stage, singing, the opening ceremony and business promotion activities combine to form the interaction, from the opening ceremony of the publicity business products.

 Artistic performance can interact with commodity display.

 To make a positive preparation for the arrival of the mid autumn festival.

 [five] early advertising and public opinion campaign

 (1) advertisement promotion strategy of XX agricultural and sideline products exhibition center before opening

 (two) pre planning of XX agricultural and sideline products

 exhibition center

 Opening ceremony is a systematic project, involving a wide range, many clues, the need for early layout. It is suggested that the preparatory group be set up to carry out the activities in advance so as to ensure the success of the opening ceremony, and not to influence the implementation effect due to the rush preparation of the previous work.

 (1) to the relevant units for road permits, 5 days in advance to the Meteorological Bureau to get the opening day of the weather data.

 (2) to implement the list of guests attending the celebration ceremony, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, the leadership of the brother units, send invitations in advance one week, and collect congratulations;

 (3) making contact media advertising and delivery schedule to interview invitations, identify the starting point for the media speculation, selling "buy"; (Awarding Ceremony Highlights)

 (4) elaborate agenda planning for ceremonies;

 (5) implement the safety guarantee system of the leadership (the traffic police department is responsible for the public security);

 (6) to determine the text of the speeches of the leaders, and to preside over the speeches of the leaders;

  (7) implement parking spot on the spot, and each unit represents parking area;

 (8) implement power source location, debug and other related matters;

 (9) emergency measures for the implementation of the ceremony;

 (10) to determine the content of the propaganda slogan of the ribbon cutting ceremony, it should be commissioned 5 days ahead of schedule.

 [six] scene settings

 (1) layout of macroscopic static elements

 The overall layout: the effect of various celebration elements harmonious collocation, on the whole, focusing on the line, the perfect combination, highlight the three-dimensional sense of space level sense of the pursuit of color, strong visual impact, publicity show grand festival. The scene is spacious, warm and elegant and orderly conform to no conventional pattern.

 (1) layout of the ribbon cutting area

 The ribbon cutting ceremony is set up in front of the exhibition center, with the red carpet in front of the store, the left side is paved with 10 meters X6 meters, and two rows of flower baskets are arranged on both sides. At the beginning of the ribbon cutting, the band can perform on the right bench of the ribbon

 cutting area as the background.

 The two groups of cold flame are located at the front of the ribbon cutting zone and released when the ribbon is cut.

 3. The ribbon cutting area rises 10 meters, 1 banners, hang "warmly congratulate XX agricultural and sideline products exhibition center" grand opening".

 The 10 sets of ribbon flowers, ribbon cutting ceremony is held by Miss etiquette lined up neatly, gentle light Miss etiquette steadily on the ribbon, reflecting the bright warm ribbon flowers, indicates that the "XX of agricultural and sideline products exhibition center grand opening" successfully successful.

 (2) layout of performance area

 The whole table with a red carpet covering the background, after using the truss structures, the theme of the word for "the opening ceremony of" XX of agricultural and sideline products exhibition center, the front of the stage is arranged in the middle of 2 for vertical microphone, microphone in front of flowers as the center, to tie 10 clusters as. A vertical speech platform is set behind the right. Both sides are equipped with 1 sound, leaving a distance of 3 meters wide, in order to facilitate the flow of people, the red carpet to ribbon cutting zone and performance area connected.

 Acoustics set in the performing area.

 (3) the layout of the surrounding environment

 The rainbow door is a grand atmosphere for the whole business.

 The scroll is placed on the floor of the building.

 Flowers set in the ribbon cutting area, on both sides of Longmen, placed two sets of flowers on the steps, the lobby entrance, the interior of the hall decorated with seasonal flowers, showing a warm, grand atmosphere.

 Fourth, welcome flags 20 sides, hanging in the Nanpu road side of the store side.

 (4) layout of Yingbin area

 Sign in in the store, sign in one set (pen, thin).

 (two) layout of macro dynamic elements

 The overall layout effect: with through organic harmony dynamic elements, resulting in pageant trend majestic scenes of jubilation, a scene of bustling activity.

 A band of 10 people, before the ceremony began to play, contrast atmosphere, gathered popularity, ceremony for intermittent playing. "Welcome song" repertoire "now singing, now dancing people" "good day" "into the new era" "triumphal march" "in the field of hope" "Ladesiji" etc..

 The lion dance team, a group of 4 people, called Wei Zhuang,

 neat action, drum shock, flexible action, formation and retrofit, rendering the atmosphere, with the process of intermittent play.

 The Miss etiquette of 10 people, 1.7 meters tall, under the age of 25, rose red dress, a belted, liberal and dignified, good image quality, reception, leading the attendance, leadership wear corsage, leading the ribbon.

 Fourth, the Royal Salute 6 doors, the appearance of golden color, shape simple and realistic, majestic and forceful, luxurious cool, using environmental protection, safe inert gas emission. A range of up to 30 meters, when a ribbon, ribbon from flower color, brilliant purples and reds, riotous with colour, flying all over the sky, such as bright and colorful, very spectacular The heavenly maids scatter blossoms., and the celebration to a climax, is the new darling of modern etiquette celebration.

 [seven] schedule and agenda for opening ceremony

 (1) the working schedule of the opening ceremony

 Arrange the opening ceremony, specify the location of the podium and the performance area, and conduct the overall layout.

 To determine the leaders, guests and speeches of the participants at the opening ceremony, and to issue invitations to congratulate the units.

 Determine subject headings, banners, slogans, and deliver


 The main units coordinate the implementation of power supply and debug the power supply.

 The podium, the background and the large-scale inkjet printing begin to build.

 In the morning, the rainbow door, the signature desk and the layout began. All field static elements are laid out.

 (two) the working procedure of opening ceremony

 13:00 members arrived on time, check the static elements layout situation, coordinate the dynamic elements layout, do the final overall coordination, implement details, do foolproof.

 At 14:20, the military band, lion dance team, host, sign in place, VIP flower, sound, security are in place, and on-site order maintenance.

 15:00 etiquette ladies in place, audio debugging finished. The military band and the lion dance team began to perform alternately.

 16:00 to participate in the opening ceremony of the leaders and guests have arrived at the scene, Miss etiquette became responsible for the reception, leading the sign, for the leadership to wear Brooch etiquette service.

 (three) agenda setting for opening ceremony

  At 16:25, the leaders and guests of the ceremony were led by the hostesses and went to the rostrum;

 The host introduces the leaders and guests attending the opening ceremony;

 16:30 - the host announced the opening ceremony ceremony (Jiabao drum band music, Pangu team)

 - please superiors sent a congratulatory message; (2 minutes) (spoke after Pangu team bass accompaniment)

 Please let the guests on behalf of the congratulation speech; (2 minutes) (spoke after Pangu team bass accompaniment)

 Please let the general manager to reply; (2 minutes) (spoke after Pangu team bass accompaniment)

 The host announced that the general manager and the general manager of the exhibition center should be in the ribbon cutting area to cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony;

 At this time, the etiquette ladies guide the leaders, exhibition center general manager and guests to the ribbon cutting area, the etiquette ladies neatly lined up, holding the ribbon cutting flowers, elegant and light step onto the ribbon cutting area.

 The 16:48 leaders cut the red silk, declared XX Agricultural Products Exhibition Center Grand opening. (at this time, a

 military band plays, salute Qiming, flower color ribbon is waving, such as The heavenly maids scatter blossoms,

 Bright and colorful, brilliant purples and reds, very spectacular, the ceremony reached a climax. A warm atmosphere, racket).

 After the ribbon cutting is finished, the leaders and guests are invited to visit the XX agricultural and sideline products exhibition center to transfer the venue to the hotel.

 Shop site 17:00 promotional activities began.

 Overall requirements for promotional activities

 Objective: to strengthen the image cognition, to promote the purchase of reality, to trigger the purchase climax, and to deepen the brand impression.

 Principle: activities form of cloning, activity of speculation not flooding, opening, ending a sensational climax after another.

 Form: variety, novelty, interactive, promotional category.

 (four) agenda setting for opening ceremony

 (1) introducing leaders and guests, announcing the ceremony

 (two) read out the relevant documents (deputy director Luo Wei)

 (three) municipal government leadership award ceremony

 (four) XX agricultural and sideline products...

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